Saturday, March 1, 2008

A little about me to get started

Well, a little about myself to get started. As the title says (and the song too!), I’m just an ordinary, average guy. I’ve got a mom and a dad, a wife and a dog. No kid(s), but I keep telling my wife I need more practice before the big game and so far she’s buying it!

I’ve got a job, actually a business, that I have a love-hate relationship with and a rental that I have even more of a love-hate relationship with. I love the out-of-doors and run and ride with my dog. In spite of that, I need to loose a bit of weight. I volunteer time with local causes. I have hobbies. I hate taxes and politics but realize that both are important, necessary evils.

I decided to start a blog for two, or maybe three reasons depending on how you count them. First, I seem to have this internal dialog that is more and more present. There’s a lot of stuff that goes on there that I’d like to get down on paper (or at least in electrons) and this seems like a good way to do it. Second, I write for work. I like writing, but I rarely get to write what I want to write. I write what needs to be written, and while I like that too, I don’t get as much out of that as I do when it’s what’s on my mind. I considered trying to write some fiction (I seem to have a lot of ideas there) but again, that wouldn’t be for me. It would end up being for the readers, or some publisher and I already get well paid for writing. Third, I’m not much of a letter writer. Many family members (extended family) are letter writers and that makes me both a little envious and a little guilty. I get these great letters and somehow I never get around to sending out one of my own. I think this whole process might help me there, even if it’s just for them to come see the musings of their silly cousin/nephew/etc.

I’m telling you in advance: I know I’m not getting the punctuation correct! I’m not going to stop and check the Chicago manual of style while I’m writing. The ideas are far more important than comma placement. In some cases, it’s even on purpose. Heck, I’ll be working on the spelling more than the punctuation (god I hate seeing those little red lines….) Bug me about it and I’ll ignore you. Worse yet, if I ever get a sense of humor, I’ll make fun of you in public.

So, that’s the scoop. I decided that if I get something down once a week, that will be great. Any more often than that is gravy. I haven’t decided if I’m going to identify myself. I think I’ll want to talk about those I know and so I have to consider that maybe I need to either keep my name secret, and/or give others a code name. See, this already starts becoming about something other than my thoughts and musings. Damn!

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